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About the flower

Aloe barbadensis commonly called aloe is an indigenous medicinal herb. It is also known as ghikawar, gwarpatha or ghritakumari. A member of Liliaceae family, it is an evergreen perennial succulent plant, maturing to 1 meter tall. Its green, tightly packed, thick, fleshy leaves have jagged, thorny edges and therefore are radially arranged in 2 or three circles. Each leaf is 30-50 cm long and 10 cm broad on the base. Bright yellow tubular flowers show up in a spike. The aloe plant is better known for its healing natural aloe vera gel. The plant might be processed into two basic products - gel and latex. The gel may be the leaf pulp, a thin clear jelly-like substance from the inner portion with the leaf. The aloe latex is often a bitter yellow and slightly sticky substance from the pericyclic tubules underneath the outer skin of the leaves. This is typically called aloe juice and it also has laxative properties.



Aloe vera is mentioned both in the Bible through the ancient Egyptians. Aloe juice is assumed to have been employed to preserve the body of Jesus. Aloe barbadensis is native to warm, dry regions. Aloe genus comprises about 200 species. In India the flower is mainly present in Rajasthan as well as other dry belts. It also grows in coasts of Mumbai, Gujarat and South India.


Aloe vera is surely an amazing mix of more than 200 constituents, including polysaccharides (an intricate carbohydrate), enzymes, glycoproteins, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It has 96% water. The gel contains an emollient polysaccharides, Glucomannan and pectic acid. Barbaloin and homonataloin are important metabolites found in the leaves. Purgative properties of aloes are due to the presence of this barbaloin. It also contains C-glycosides and resin. They are anthraquinone-producing plants along with the content of anthraquinone is subject to seasonal variation. Anthraquinone for example aloin A and B are responsible for guarana’s laxative and healingproperties.

Medicinal properties

For over 3,000 years, thousands of people all over the world have used aloe being a home remedy. Today it's being found in Ayurveda, Siddha, and Homeopathy. It is also used in Chinese and Arabian medicine. The laxative sap is dried and sold as “resin”. The gel stimulates the immune system and has antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. This makes it attractive the treatment of certain skin problems including eczema and psoriasis. Among other substances, this herbal healer contains several antiseptic agents which make it effective against many internal and external infections. In Ayurvedic medicine, aloe is employed internally like a laxative, antihelminthic, hemorrhoid remedy and menstrual regulator. Aloe products for internal use have been also promoted for constipation, coughs, wounds, ulcers, diabetes cancer, head aches, immune-system deficiencies, and many other conditions. The gel gives a protective coat for the affected area brought on by wounds or burns. In the 1930s, natural aloe vera became renowned for treating radiation burns. Today it's widely used like a soothing, moisturising and healing gel to take care of wounds, burns, acne, anal fissures and haemorrhoides. Aloe can also help rheumatic ailments. Its juice emerges for stomach ache, purgative, antihelmintic, anemia, piles, wounds and arthritis diseases. Derived directly in the plants leaves, natural aloe-vera is very effective in its natural state. Simply a leaf might be cut off from your plant and the soothing gel can be applied to skinned knees, minor burns, scrapes and small hurts. Many pharmaceutical companies are preparing its different products - juice, paper, natural aloe vera jelly, jams etc. Many folklore processing are also common.


Cosmetic applications

Since medieval times, women have been using aloe gel to boost or maintain the appearance of the skin and hair. In history, Queen Cleopetra was believed to include aloe cream in their own beauty regimen. It is claimed that aloe has anti-aging effect. Today it's widely utilized in herbal cosmetics. This gel acts as an excellent skin moisturiser. Many leading cosmetic companies have launched products for skin and hair containing natural aloe vera extracts. Aloe vera gel is surely an active ingredient in a huge selection of skin lotion, sunscreen and cosmetics. It is said to work as a moisturizer, a cleanser, bleach as well as a rejuvenator. It usually suits all skin types. At the present time, natural aloe-vera based hair oils, cold creams, night creams, sunscreen lotions, hair gels, moisturizer, lipsticks, etc, can be seen on every shop shelves. Since natural aloe-vera is full of vitamins, minerals and enzymes it is also used as a health supplement beverage. Some companies have produced juices containing natural aloe vera which might be used as a laxative.

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